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Be a part of the Movement

Becoming a member of DMTAC helps to assure that the high standards of this profession are being upheld nationwide. Become a member today to help continue the growth of DMT/P in Canada and to take advantage of professional networking, collaboration, representation, and more.


Member Benefits & Categories

Benefits Include:

  • Early notice of workshops, classes and events

  • Discounts on workshops and continuing education courses offered by DMTAC

  • Professional members listed on our Find a Therapist page!

  • Opportunities to network with other dance movement therapists and students

  • Becoming part of our advocacy and awareness campaign to inform the public of the benefits of DMT/P and why more institutions should offer applicable courses

  • Opportunities to get involved with DMTAC committees and projects

Professional Member | $50

The requirement for this membership category is a completed training in DMT/P. DMTAC asks professional members to provide documents of their completed DMT/P education and internships. This can be through a MA in DMT/P or Alternate Route (for more information about how to become a dance movement therapist in Canada, please see the Education page). If available, professional members provide proof of their certification from ADTA or other international professional DMT/P organizations. Professional members will be listed on the "Find a Therapist” page of the DMTAC website.

Professional Member: Quebec | $60

The requirement for this membership category is a completed training in DMT/P. DMTAC asks professional members to provide documents of their completed DMT/P education and internships. This can be through a MA in DMT/P or alternate route (for more information about how to become a dance movement therapist in Canada, please see the Education page). If available, professional members provide proof of their certification from ADTA or other international professional DMT/P organizations. Professional members will be listed on the "Find a Therapist” page of the DMTAC website.


Why is my Quebec Membership fee different?If you live or practice in Quebec, your membership to the Dance Movement Therapy Association in Canada (DMTAC) also grants you automatic membership to the Quebec Alliance of Creative Arts Therapists (QACAT).


The QACAT brings together members of professional associations from all artistic modalities of arts therapy in Quebec (dance movement therapy, drama therapy, music therapy, art therapy, and psychodrama) and pursues the following goals:

- Bring together all the artistic modalities of arts therapy.

- Promote creative arts therapies.

- Work towards the recognition of therapists through the creative arts.

- Defend the interests of the members of its legal person.


All members are invited to attend QACAT board meetings

Only professional members who are duly in good standing with their association can vote

Only professional members are eligible as board members of the QACAT


The QACAT is actively working towards the recognition of professional dance movement therapists in Quebec. We would highly appreciate a voluntary contribution of 10$ to support the work of the QACAT.


Continue in this category if you wish to contribute and add the amount when paying your membership-related fees. If you wish to opt-out of contributing to QACAT simply fill in the regular professional member's profile.  

Qualifying DMT/P Practicing under Supervision | $25

This category is open to all members who have completed training in DMT/P and are actively pursuing internship and supervision requirements to meet the designation of professional member. Qualifying members must send proof of completed training (Course Transcripts and DMT Diploma) to apply. Qualifying members that provide proof of active clinical supervision with a BC-DMT can also be listed on the "Find a Therapist" page.

Student Member | $25

Open to all current DMT/P students training through the Alternate Route or at the MA level (who would enter the Qualifying DMTP/P Membership category upon graduating). This category is also open to students enrolled in Psychology/Psychotherapy/Social work/Dance training programs (who would enter the Associate Membership category upon graduating). Student members will be listed as “Student Members” on the members and Find a Therapist page.

Associate Member | $50

This membership category is open to all professionals from related fields (dance, social work, psychotherapy, creative arts therapy, etc.) who are not formally trained as a DMT/P but implement dance/movement in their therapeutic practice or use adapted dance working with vulnerable populations in a variety of settings. Associate members will be listed on the members page as Associate Members.

Membership options are currently under review. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about your current options. 

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