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Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility & Solidarity
IDEAS Resources
Our IDEAS Committee is dedicated to enacting DMTAC's values of inclusion, diversity, equity, accessibility, and solidarity. We are excited to share the following resources with you. If you would like to join this committee or have other resources to add please do not hesitate to reach out to There is much crucial and continued work to do in this area as our profession grows in Canada!

The Diversity Gap Podcast
The Audre Lorde Project
Healing in Colour Resources List
Inclusive Therapists (Database, resources list & more)
Rainbow Health Ontario (RHO)
SafeGuards Trauma Informed Training - (BIPOC; evidenced-based, gender affirming practices w/ children, youth & families & more)
Inclusive Therapists Training
Inclusive Therapists Events
Cultural Somatics Course

Oppression and the Body: Roots, Resistance, and Resolution by Christine Caldwell & Lucia Bennett
My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies by Resmaa Menakem
“Dance/Movement Therapists of Color in the ADTA: The First 50 Years.” by Meg Cheng in the American journal of dance therapy
"Diversity Issues in Movement Observation and Assessment" by Christine Caldwell
"Turning Towards Multicultural Diversity Competence in Dance/Movement Therapy" by Nova Golonka Carmichael
Cantrick, M., Anderson, T., Leighton, L.B. et al. "Embodying Activism: Reconciling Injustice Through Dance/Movement Therapy". Am J Dance Ther 40, 191–201 (2018).
Redefining Health & Wellness — Making Therapy More Inclusive w/ Melody Li (also available via apple podcast & spotify)
Dare to Lead — Brene Brown & Aiko Bethea
On Being — Resmaa Menakem & Robin DiAngelo
Stop Hesitating with Elizabeth McCorvey

Instagram Accounts
"How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion" | Peggy McIntosh at TEDxTimberlaneSchools (18:26)
Patricia Hill Collins — race, class, sexuality & gender
Eli Clare — (dis)ability & queerness
Rosemarie Garland-Thomson — feminist (dis)ability studies
Stuart Hall — cultural studies
bell hooks – cultural studies
Julia Serano — transfeminism
Sherene Razack — critical race feminism

We hope that you find these resources helpful. You can also read our full "Statement Against Racism & Discrimination" here.
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